You are able to test the Fyda Protocol without spending cryptoassets on the available testnets. To get started, head to the Fyda client which is available at https://app.fyda.fi and simply select Ethereum sepolia testnet in network settings dropdown of the app, top right corner.
Testnet networks are different environments from mainnet and simulate real use cases for development, testing or production. The assets on a testnet are not “real,” meaning that they cannot be withdrawn to your wallet for any real economic value.
Mint Testnet Tokens
To add testnet tokens for testing the Fyda app, follow the steps below:
Mine Sepolia ETH:
Visit the Sepolia Faucet at https://sepolia-faucet.pk910.de/.
Mine Sepolia ETH to your Testnet wallet.
Supported Tokens:
Fyda Testnet supports the following tokens, and their corresponding addresses and decimal values are provided below:
LINK (0x1F28FB7151d3183764Ea1D724E567Bb8e0653d13, 18 decimals)
USDC (0x6458009bAC9ffd638331bC5612f22825893856C0, 6 decimals)
WBTC (0x083f66c24cDc0140a910600a020b669B2960fc7e, 8 decimals)
WETH (0x46eFed5564eD0FB6840abA7E8a4d12Da27757EB3, 18 decimals)
Mint Tokens on Etherscan:
Search for supported token address.
Navigate to the "Contract" section.
Connect your Web3 wallet.
Select "Write Contract" and then choose "Mint".
Input destination "address" and "amount" to receive tokens in your Sepolia Testnet wallet.
To mint a specific number of tokens, input the desired quantity followed by the appropriate number of zeros corresponding to the decimal places. For example, to mint 100 USDC, enter "100,000000" (6 zeros for the 6 decimal places), and apply a similar approach to mint other tokens.
Follow these steps to smoothly add tokens to the Sepolia Testnet wallet and start testing various trading strategies on the Fyda app.
Last updated